Archive for January, 2007


Thursday, January 25th, 2007

As most people are making money from things which are already created, but they ship it to their customers in a different shape. So, why not to use the available information and organize it in a neat way and give it to the web surfers, and they give you web traffic in return.

I have started developing a smart search algorithm for an information portal website to host millions of “How to” articles. The site is aimed to acquire higher page rank to boost the sales of other commercial websites via ads and weblinks.

the website is still under deep construction! The site url is at

An internet space for the Family Members!

Monday, January 22nd, 2007 when taken from a perspective, is a good site for people to make friends and collaborate between each other! So, why not to make a family portal for all bouchrika family members.

Just setup a clone of at as an online community for this family. It is mainly to get members of the family who are spread all over the world to know and meet each others. what a noble aim !

The first one to register to open an account at the site was my daugher Asma whose profile is located at :
Asma Profile and Photos ?

Sunday, January 21st, 2007

Just launched a funny website! . The site is a news portal to cover all odd, bizzare and funny stories from all over the world. it has also a jokes and funny video sections.

Although the site is having ads on it! it is aimed to be an end day relief for workholic people to have some fun. - Imed Bouchrika Website© 2003-2007.