Archive for July, 2007

Teething !

Monday, July 16th, 2007

After waiting weeks and worrying about my baby daughter teeth not growing up! Today, I got bitten by her as the lower tooth starts to appear and luckily she is having no teeth pain these days.

Waiting for the other teeth to show up!

Started writing up the last chapter!

Monday, July 16th, 2007

After a long and hard work on the 6th chapter for my final thesis, started lately today writing up the final chapter. unfortunately, I will be struggling another 2 months writing up this chapter.

Photo Album for Asma

Sunday, July 8th, 2007

Just started uploading some photos for my daughter Asma! She is now 7 months, can sit on her own, moves with a speed of 20cm/hour. - Imed Bouchrika Website© 2003-2007.