Launched a theProxy Site

August 22nd, 2007

This afternoon, I thought why not to try how a proxy site will perform in terms of bringing internet traffic! So, I have spent the afternoon setting up website. TheProxy website is developed and maintained to give everyone the chance to surf the web anonymousely! The Proxy website enable YOU to surf the Internet without others knowing where you have been, what you have done, or what you have seen. TheProxy website surfing is aimed at hiding your online identity. One of the most popular uses of proxy surfing is when the internet connection you have is protected by a firewall. Anonymous Proxy Surfing using theProxy WebSite is the way to go, if you want to cover your traces.

So Why not to try to surf the web at

my personal web directory is at

August 22nd, 2007

I have setup a personal web directory at the website has already a good page rank. The directory is aimed to gather all the useful links. is offering Free ClientExec with its Reseller Hosting

August 21st, 2007

The hosting company started offering free copies of the billing software ClientExec with its reseller packages. The software is installed free of charge on the main account. The ClientExec software is used mainly to manage the billing and track customers payments. The software can be integrated easily with the customer hoster site to take order and activate orders. ClientExec is developed by New Edge and is worth over $150.

Full press release can be read here

How to trim strings using awk

August 20th, 2007

To trim space inside an awk inline script, the following command does the job:

awk -F"|" '{gsub(/ *$/,"",$1);gsub(/^ */,"",$1); print $1}

launching another insurance-related website

August 20th, 2007

Spend the whole Sunday setting up a directory website for listing all the insurance companies located mainly in the US, UK, and Canada. The site is called the insurance company network located at : and right now it has over 100,000 companies listed on its pages. The directory is created using a self-made aut0matd software which crawled through the net to generate the content of the site within minutes.

So, Let’s hope the site will make some revenue!

Ad-oriented business looks attractive !

August 1st, 2007

After setting up a trial for an ad-oriented site to check the online ads market. It seems that with some patience and some dedication, people can make $$$/daily of money without doing anything at all. I did setup a trial site at using a home-made software to build the content of the site. The whole process took me less than 3 hours and never returned to see the site since then. In theory I should wait about 4-5 months to see some results, but suddenly the site starts to make good money from the 2nd month.

Looking to get some free time next week to start testing another site !

Teething !

July 16th, 2007

After waiting weeks and worrying about my baby daughter teeth not growing up! Today, I got bitten by her as the lower tooth starts to appear and luckily she is having no teeth pain these days.

Waiting for the other teeth to show up! - Imed Bouchrika Website© 2003-2007.